Redwood 25SQ





Facades available for Redwood 25SQ

Mann Builders Collections includes all modern items that you would dream of being included in your home. Our collection is the result of our interactions with our clients & are inspired by listening to them.

Mann Builders Collections encompasses all the modern features of a cleverly designed & more compact floor plans which you would expect in larger homes. Our Built collections are all designed by our experienced designers, which are flexible to be altered and modified to suit your specific style. We offer multiple facade designs.

  • Customized Facade Designs
  • Rendered Front Piers | Roof Tiles of Your Choice
  • Lift-up Panel Garage Door | Optional Raised Front Porch

Note : The block width and size may vary, and several factors determine the width of your block. Mann Builders is subject to various guidelines that have to be followed, which may affect block width. The living space of a home is expressed in square units and is calculated by measuring the outer side of the outside walls. There may be areas with no definite position of external walls, such as porticos, balconies, or outdoor rooms. In these cases, Mann Builders consider an imaginary straight line between the exterior columns or walls for taking the measurements.

Site Requirement
  • Minimum Lot Width
    12.5 m
  • Minimum Lot Length
    30 m
  • Built Area
    25.5 sqs
Area Statistics
  • Total (m²)
    237.0 m²
  • Total (sq)
    25.5 sq

Find out more on the
Redwood 25SQ